Datacenter Modernization Solutions

Enterprise Data Center Modernization Solutions in Egypt

Global Brands Group understands the importance of modernized data centers for enhancing IT efficiency, improving end-user experiences, and ensuring system reliability in an increasingly competitive world. As a provider of data center services in Egypt, we recognize the significance of enterprise data centers and offer comprehensive data center management solutions to help businesses achieve their goals.

GBG offers professional data center management and design solutions.


Our Datacenter Modernization division is staffed by experts in the field, who can design custom solutions to revolutionize your existing infrastructure. We offer affordable, scalable, high-performing, and user-friendly technology that streamlines your business processes and helps you meet the demands of your industry. Whether you're looking for data center design or need assistance with managing your existing data center, our team is ready to help you achieve your goals.

Datacenters Modernization Business Benefits



Eliminate extra infrastructure silos, and leverage evolving cloud technology with consistent on-site software stacks using Microsoft’s advanced Datacenter SaaS offerings.



Reduce management burdens and excessive workloads with modern data center solutions using the latest scalable autonomy infrastructures and resource allocation.



Provide easy access to traditional and cloud-native applications with powerful operating models leveraging already existing investments and reduced TCO.

SQL Server Management Assessment Services

  • Streamlining SQL Server Migration with Azure SQL and SQL Server Management Studio.
  • Preparation for an accelerated and smooth migration of SQL Server instances and databases to Azure SQL.
  • Assess on-premises SQL Server instance(s) migrating to Azure SQL database(s) to detect and resolve migration blocking issues, partially supported or unsupported features, and discover compatibility issues such as breaking changes, behavior changes, and deprecated features that can affect upgrades.
  • Identify new features in performance, security, and storage that can bring advantages after an upgrade.
  • Migrate an on-premises SQL Server instance to a modern SQL Server instance hosted on-premises or Assess Azure virtual machine using VPN or other technologies to develop workflow schema of databases, data, and users, server roles SQL Server and Windows logins.

Data Center Security & Managed Services


GBG’s team of certified experts works with you and your team to determine where you stand and how you can move forward digitally. Our Managed IT Services reduce your daily IT operations and management while preventing outages and ensuring data center security.

We provide the following:

  • Remote health checks
  • Remote support
  • Centralized patching
  • Scheduled maintenance
  • Predictable billing
  • 24/7 network monitoring

Infrastructure Solutions


Efficient and Scalable Infrastructure Solutions from GBG. Specializing in cloud solutions with IT experience of over 20 years, GBG’s infrastructure solutions enable you to take the first steps toward data center modernization or hybrid cloud adoption. We provide the below next-generation technologies:

  • Servers (Including Modular Infrastructure)
  • Storage (Structured and Unstructured Data)
  • Data Protection
  • Hyper-converged Infrastructure
  • Personal Computers and Client Devices
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Business Continuity


GBG recognizes that data is your organization’s most valuable asset. We assess your physical and/or virtual environments and agree on a suitable(RPO) and (RTO) on which to base our solution.

Subsequently, we deliver fully automated failover capabilities to make sure your risk of downtime is minimized and that entire business services can be restored quickly. We do this through the following:

  • High Availability
  • Backup
  • Disaster Recovery
  • Cyber Recovery Solutions

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Software-Defined Environments


GBG delivers solutions that optimize your entire computing infrastructure with simplified architecture and reduced costs to reach a truly modern data center.

Our Software-Defined Environments solutions encompass the following:

  • Software-Defined Datacenter
  • Software-Defined Computing
  • Software-Defined Storage
  • Software-Defined Network
  • Virtual Desktop Infrastructure
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Datacenter Modernization Solutions case studies


Discover how Global Brands Group enabled Porto Developments' transformation, driving innovation and growth across their operations.

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Actualizing AMER GROUP’S Digital Transformation

See how Global Brands Group actualized AMER GROUP’s digital transformation, enhancing their digital presence and operational efficiency.

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Augmenting El-ARABY Group’s IT Operations

Learn how Global Brands Group augmented El-ARABY Group's IT operations, driving innovation and technological advancement.

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Bolstering Data Security At Al-NAS Hospital

See how Global Brands Group bolstered data security at Al-NAS Hospital, ensuring safety and privacy with advanced cyber security measures.

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Need a bespoke IT solution for your business?

Start a complimentary and obligation-free 30-minute consultation with our business development engineers. Together, we’ll design an IT solution that suits your business operations and scale.

Global Brands Group has been inaugurated with an inventive spirit, and this spirit continues to guide us through our journey. Ever- listening and -answering to industry shifts and demands, GBG grows, transforms and caters to an ever-expanding customer base.
